MarketingPlatform API

MarketingPlatform API allows you to integrate your other IT systems with MarketingPlatform. In addition to the option of making your own integrations with our API, we have a large number of ready-made integrations with leading CMS, Webshop, CRM and POS solutions.

Our interactive online guide helps developers to understand the possibilities with the API. The guide is a tree structure, which is sorted by the different types of call.

– API documentation v2
API documentation for PHP (deprecated)
– API documentation for C# (deprecated)

A man working on a laptop with a big screen displaying "API", representing MarketingPlatform's API integration opportunities.

With the API, it is possible to insert and update recipients, get statistics for sent campaigns, create new contact lists and maintain the existing ones, place content in newsletters (both static and dynamic), copy and send campaigns and much more.

You can find documentation for our Software Development Kit (SDK) for PHP and C# here. (deprecated) (opens externally).

We continuously develop available features in our API – many based on suggestions from our customers. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Development team, at MarketingPlatform

Would you like to develop an integration with MarketingPlatform?

We appreciate everyone who wishes to integrate their solution with MarketingPlatform. An integration gives new opportunities for your customers, and makes your product more attractive to future customers.

MarketingPlatform is very happy to help with the integration, in the form of a hotline for our API developer. Moreover, we will of course also promote the integration, if it is relevant to others, on our various home pages.

Contact us at [email protected], if your company wants to make a standard integration for the benefit of the many.